MGM Milligram
MGM Mystery Guitar Man
MGM Media Gateway Manager
MGM Mostly Good Memory
MGM Maternal Grandmother
MGM Mardi Gras Madness (various organizations)
MGM Midtown Global Market (Midtown Global Market)
MGM Mercury Grand Marquis (automobile model)
MGM Ministerstwo Gospodarki Morskiej (Polish: Ministry of Maritime Economy)
MGM Male Genital Mutilation (usually in reference to circumcision)
MGM Microrganismi Geneticamente Modificati (Italian: Genetically Modified Organisms)
MGM Molecular Genetics & Microbiology
MGM Member-Get-a-Member
MGM Mechanics of Granular Materials
MGM Means Great Movies (Metro-Goldwyn Mayer motto)
MGM Molecular Graphics and Modeling (Kansas University)
MGM Monopulse Ground Map (US Air Force)
MGM Master in Government Management
MGM Mentally Gifted Minors
MGM Mailgram
MGM Montgomery, AL, USA – Dannelly Field (Airport Code)
MGM Mission Manager
MGM Memory Grant Manager
MGM Managerial Gross Margin
MGM Mentally Gifted Men
MGM Master Group Multiplexer
MGM Materiel Group Manager
MGM Modified Gradient Method
MGM Medical Group Management Journal
MGM Mar Gregorios Memorial (schools in India)
MGM Modern Gift Market
MGM Militant Grammarians of Massachusetts (Infinite Jest)
MGM Medium-Grade Metamorphism (geology)
MGM Minimal Generator Matrix/Matrices
MGM Multi-Guard Mediator
This web site is a web site dedicated to bringing awareness and information about ACRONYMS OF MGM related videos and information/content related to the descriptive nature and use of the acronym MGM. NOTE: MGM.NET’S OBJECTIVE IS TO BRING AWARENESS TO THE GENERIC AND DESCRIPTIVE NATURE AND USE OF ACRONYMS FOR GENERIC WORDS AND GENERIC/DESCRIPTIVE PHRASES.
Acronym Definition
MGM Milligram
MGM Mystery Guitar Man
MGM Mostly Good Memory
MGM Media Gateway Manager
MGM Maternal Grandmother
MGM Mardi Gras Madness (various organizations)
MGM Midtown Global Market (Midtown Global Market)
MGM Mercury Grand Marquis (automobile model)
MGM Ministerstwo Gospodarki Morskiej (Polish: Ministry of Maritime Economy)
MGM Male Genital Mutilation (usually in reference to circumcision)
MGM Microrganismi Geneticamente Modificati (Italian: Genetically Modified Organisms)
MGM Molecular Genetics & Microbiology
MGM Member-Get-a-Member
MGM Mechanics of Granular Materials
MGM Means Great Movies (Metro-Goldwyn Mayer motto)
MGM Molecular Graphics and Modeling (Kansas University)
MGM Monopulse Ground Map (US Air Force)
MGM Master in Government Management
MGM Mentally Gifted Minors
MGM Mailgram
MGM Montgomery, AL, USA – Dannelly Field (Airport Code)
MGM Mission Manager
MGM Memory Grant Manager
MGM Managerial Gross Margin
MGM Mentally Gifted Men
MGM Master Group Multiplexer
MGM Materiel Group Manager
MGM Modified Gradient Method
MGM Medical Group Management Journal
MGM Mar Gregorios Memorial (schools in India)
MGM Modern Gift Market
MGM Militant Grammarians of Massachusetts (Infinite Jest)
MGM Medium-Grade Metamorphism (geology)
MGM Multi-Guard Mediator
MGM Minimal Generator Matrix/Matrices